Tools you will need:
Phillips Screwdriver (small)
Phillips Screwdriver (medium)
Razor Blade or Scissors
Super Glue (supplied)
1. Remove the arm rest from the car. Take out all the little screws on the bottom of the arm rest. Or, I find it easier to remove the whole arm rest from the car. To do this, remove the two screws from the back of the arm rest and remove the two screws that are under the ash tray.

2. Remove the cover from the pad. You should be able to just pry it off with your hands. Remove the inner material too, if it’s still there.

3. Now the fun part, removing the glue and left over material from the bottom of the arm rest pad. This can be done with a straight slot screw driver, small putty knife, a razor blade or contact cleaner. Try to get the bottom of the arm rest pad as clean as you can. The cleaner it is the better the new cover will stick to it. Once it’s clean take some sand paper and sand the edges to help the glue adhere to the plastic. Also sand in the bends, for gluing the inner material on later.

4. Now maybe a good time to repair the plastic base if needed. The plastic around the screws might be broken, cracked, or missing. One way that I have found to repair these holes is with JB Weld. Try to clean the holes as best you can. Then pack the holes with JB weld. Let it cure. Then redrill the holes. This has worked pretty good for both my covers.
5. Fit the cover onto the pad. Note the F on one end of the cover signifies the front. Fit the cover on the pad snugly and evenly on all sides. Make sure the cover is on straight. Line up the seams with the corners of the plastic base.

6. Open the supplied super glue and get it ready.(Be careful when opening the super glue. Don’t squeeze the tube.) The order you should glue the cover onto the base is, front, rear, then each side. Starting with the front seems to be the easiest. Run a bead of glue along half of the front of the plastic base. The bead of glue should be about the size of the one in the picture. The front of the cover should be glued in 2 sections.(easiest way) Pull and fold over the front of the cover and hold it down to the base, where the glue is. Press and hold for 50 to 60 seconds. Be careful not to glue your fingers to the cover. It’s easy to do. Then put glue on the other half of the front of the plastic base, and press the cover down and hold for 50 to 60 seconds.

7. You should now have the front of the cover glued onto the base. Now it’s time to glue the back of the cover onto the base. The rear of the cover should be glued in two sections just like the front. Stretch the cover tight, pushing the material from the front to the back and pulling the back of the cover tight. Apply a bead of glue to the plastic base and stretch the cover and press it down onto the glue and hold for 50 to 60 seconds. Then do the same for the second half of the rear of the cover. Now the rear of the cover should be glued down.

8. Now glue the sides of the cover. I suggest doing one complete side before starting the other side. Put glue on one section of the side and gently stretch the cover over the side and press it down on the glue and hold for 50 to 60 seconds. Don’t pull too hard on the first side or you will offset the cover. Once that section is dry, continue on down the side gluing one section at a time until one full side is complete. Remember to check the seam on the other side of the cover to make sure it’s still straight. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect, you can straighten it out when you glue the opposite side. Pull more or less in certain areas to make the seams straight.
9. When you are finished gluing one side start on the second side. Gluing one section at a time. This time you can pull a little harder on the material. Before actually gluing the material, check the top side to make sure the seams line up. If it all looks good, glue the material to the base.

10. Now you need to make a hole in the material for the screws. Take a razor blade or scissors and cut the material like in the picture. Remember, it’s easy to remove more material later but you can’t add material. Make small cuts until you can see the hole for the screw. It’s also a good idea to remove some of the material in the corners, where the seams are, like in the second picture. Remember, small cuts.

11. Once you have all the holes cut in the material you can glue on the bottom piece of material to the base. This piece of material is the same front to back, so orientation doesn’t matter.

12. Place the material into the base. Align the material so that it’s straight and equal on all sides. Press on the front of the cover, remembering to keep the cover straight. Fold back the front of the cover so that you can apply the super glue.(like in the picture) Apply a bead of glue all the way across the front of the plastic base, where the plastic bends upward. Then firmly press the cover down onto the glue and hold for 50 to 60 seconds.

13. Now repeat the same process for the rear of the cover. Remember to keep the cover straight and aligned equally on all sides before gluing.

14. The sides are next. They are the same as the front and rear. Hold the cover in place, bend it back a little and apply a bead of glue along half of the side. Press the cover onto the glue and hold for 50 to 60 seconds. It’s easiest to glue the sides in two segments. Glue half and let it dry and then glue the other half and let it dry. Once you glue one whole side, then move to the other side.

15. When finished the cover should look like this.

16. The front of the cover might need a little trimming around the middle screw hole. Trim away a little material so that it won’t block the hole when the arm rest in installed on the base.

17. Carefully install the plastic base onto the arm rest pad. Watching to make sure the inner material isn’t being folded or wrinkled. Then install the screws that hold the arm rest pad onto the plastic base. Reinstall the arm rest in your car and enjoy.