Helpful tips and words of caution:
Please note that most locksmiths don’t like cutting keys that are brought into there store, because if they mess something up they have no way of replacing the key. Please tell them you will assume responsibility, and that they can cut the key. There should NOT be any problems with cutting the key. If you do have a problem please email us, we are happy to help.
Please do not try to insert a new (uncut) carbon fiber key into any of the locks in your car. They will normally not go into any lock until they are cut/copied to the correct code, then you should have no problem.
From our experience, Home Depot and Lowe’s are unable to cut this key, not because it’s carbon fiber, but because their key cutting machine is not setup to cut Porsche key blanks, mostly just house keys.
Using a small locksmith company, or locksmith booth (see picture below) to copy/cut the carbon fiber key is best. They are normally set up with the correct key copying machine and can easily cut the key in less than a minute and for only a few dollars. Another place that should have no problem cutting this key are car dealerships, either a Porsche dealer or any large car dealership should be able to.
After the locksmith cuts the key, there could be some leftover carbon fiber “hairs” on the edge of the key. This is normal. These carbon fiber strands can easily be removed with a little light sanding, a razor blade, or even some scissors. They will also come off after using the key a few time and are not a problem.
PLEASE INSTRUCT THE LOCKSMITH NOT TO USE THE DEBURRING BUFFER AFTER CUTTING THE KEY. This could ruin the key instead of removing the carbon fiber hairs. The deburring machine is setup for metal keys and is too rough for a carbon fiber key.