Tools you will need:
Straight Slot Screwdriver (optional)
Soft Rag (optional)
1. Quick Tip! Pull up on the seat latch to release the backrest part of the seat. Lean the seatback forward. This will release pressure on the seat latch knob and make everything much easier.
2. Quick Tip! Remove the old seat latch knob. You might be able to just pull this off with your hands. If the knob is broken or stuck on, you will need to use a screwdriver to remove it. Use a straight slot screwdriver to pry the knob off the seat. You will want to pry on the knob from the base of the knob. Putting a rag or folded up paper towel on the cover will keep the seat latch cover from getting marred. Make sure you are prying on the very bottom of the knob or it will not come off. You might have to use a flashlight to see in there. The base of the knob is about 1 inch deep inside the cover. If this doesn’t work on the first try you might have to pry from both the top and bottom of the knob.

3. Remove the base cover by pulling it off the seat. This should come off very easy.

4. Now that the old seat latch is off, make sure the metal clip is still on the arm inside the seat. If the metal clip is missing or lost you will need a new one to hold the knob onto the seat (Porsche part number 311881247). You will need to completely trim the material from around the metal hole in the seat, so no material gets pinched between the frame and the latches, like in the picture.

5. Take your new brushed aluminum seat latch cover and push it onto the seat frame. It will just push right on, and the knob will hold it onto the seat.

6. Now push the knob onto the seat until it firmly rest against the cover. The knob will not come in contact with the cover but will stop just short, because there are felt pads on the bottom of the knob. This is to keep the knob from scratching the cover when you operate the latches.

7. Repeat these steps for all sides of both front seats and you are finished.